Cheeky Monkey

Cask Overview

Refreshing and easy drinking, this pint was made for anyone that pops in for that cheeky pint on their way home from work.

Cask One Liner

Our tilt of the hat to all the jokers and mischiefs out there.



Describe the ABV property. This is hardcoded and not changeable between cask pages.

Describe the OG property. This is hardcoded and not changeable between cask pages.

Describe the IBU property. This is hardcoded and not changeable between cask pages.

Describe the Malts property. This is hardcoded and not changeable between cask pages.

Describe the STYLE property. This is hardcoded and not changeable between cask pages.

Describe the Hops property. This is hardcoded and not changeable between cask pages.

Warning: Undefined variable $cask_ingredients in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 227

Allergens: Gluten from Wheat and Barley

Cheeky monkey was the first ever beer we brewed back in October 2018. The recipe had spent weeks in the making. We proudly oversaw the arrival of our first delivery of malt and hops. Brew day commenced, the sales team started selling, and by the end of the week, all of our first brew was sold before it was even ready. Once the beer was ready, we were all eager to try the first ever pint, but, disaster struck, there was a problem with the new chilling equipment and all 5757 pints of our much anticipated first brew had to be thrown away. There was no Parkway beer to go out to our customers that week, and it was all a bit disappointing. But, all the best things in life start with a good comeback story and Cheeky Monkey brew number two was amazing and everything we had hoped for, and we hope to continue brewing it for many years to come.


01458 897240

Unit 11,
Wessex Park,
Somerton Business Park,
Bancombe Road,
TA11 6SB